ISO Country Codes List (2 Digits - Alpha2)

International standards are essential for a variety of applications, including coding systems, databases, and URL addresses. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is responsible for creating and maintaining these standards, including a set of standardized codes assigned to countries and territories known as ISO country codes.
ISO country codes are two-letter codes that represent countries and territories. The Alpha2 code is one of the two types of codes assigned by ISO, and it is used in a variety of applications as a shorthand for referring to specific countries.
Alpha2 codes are typically used in applications where space is limited, such as in URLs or in databases with limited field sizes. They are also commonly used in coding systems, such as in programming languages or in geographic information systems (GIS).
Alpha2 codes are created by ISO using a combination of letters from the Latin alphabet, with each code representing a unique country or territory. For example, the Alpha2 code for the United States is US while the code for Canada is CA
One of the benefits of using ISO country codes is that they are standardized and widely recognized. This helps to ensure consistency and accuracy in various applications and eliminates the possibility of confusion or errors that may occur with other coding systems.
Another advantage of using Alpha2 codes is that they are compact and easy to remember. This makes them ideal for use in applications where space is limited, as well as for use in scenarios where users need to quickly reference or identify specific countries.
In conclusion, ISO country codes play an important role in a variety of applications, and the Alpha2 code is a key component of this system. These standardized codes help to ensure consistency and accuracy in coding systems, databases, and URL addresses, while also being compact and easy to remember. .
ISO Country Codes list digit 2 Legend:
Column 1: Country name.
Column 2: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code in two letters.